B.Ed- 1st sem all practicum pdf

B.ed- 1st sem all practicum pdf
B.Ed- 1st sem all practicum pdf is only for Bengali medium B.Ed. students under The West Bengal University of Teacher’s Training , Education Planning and administration .

Submitted for all Practicums fulfillment for The Degree of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) 1st Semester, Session – 2023-2025

Course: 1.1.1 (Childhood & Growing up)
   1. Observe the various age group children….domain
Course: 1.1.2 (Contemporary India & education)
    2. Critical analysis of different committees & Commission of Edu.
 Course: 1.1.4(Language across the curriculum)
     3. School Visit to find out communication problem.
 Course: 1.1.5 (Understanding discipline & subject)
       4. Policy Analysis-National Curriculum Frameworks 2005
 Course: 1.1.EPC1 (Contemporary India & Education)
         5. Divide the group and provide one text and suggest students to make different                                                                                           interpretations.

B.Ed- 1st sem all practicum pdf

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B.Ed 1st Semester Practicum Book in Bengali PDF
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